新书发表会:我和国际象棋有个约会 A DATE WITH CHESS
主办单位 Host: 崇华独中 Tsung Wah Private Secondary School
关键要点 Main Takeaway:介绍国际象棋的快速学习与教学 To introduce the Rapid Learning and Teaching of Chess
资格标准 Criteria: 无需具备国际象棋基础 May not need to know how to play chess
公平竞争原则 Level Playing Field: 不适用于经验丰富的国际象棋教练 Not for established Chess Coaches
书名 Book Title: First Move, White Wins
日期 Date:22/3/2025(Saturday)
地点Venue:崇华独中白振益蔡美玉伉俪综合楼讲堂 Tsung Wah Private Secondary School Auditorium
时间 Time:
1st Slot:2:00pm – 2:30pm
2nd Slot:2:30pm – 3:00pm
3rd Slot:3:00pm – 3:30pm
4th Slot:3:30pm – 4:00pm
报名截止日期 Registration Deadline: 15 March 2025
免费,无需缴费 No Fees will be charged
礼品 Gifts:前100名报名者可获赠国际象棋棋具+3本书籍(First Move, White Wins)All invited attendees will be given a complimentary chess-sets and 3 books (First Move, White Wins) (limited to the first 100 participants on a first-come, first-served basis)
⚠ 交通与餐食自理 Transportation and meals are self-arranged
报名负责人 Registration Contact Person: Ms. Lee Yee Wan / Madam Low Kah Ling (014-304 1988)
先到先得,立即报名! First come, first served! Register now!